1 minute read

Here's a quick way to never lose your keys again. Tile Mate and Tile Slim.

Aaron and I spend more minutes than I’d like to admit looking for our keys and wallet. I’m sure you know the scenario; morning chaos, we’re halfway out the door, we turn to each other “do you know where my keys are”? This is followed by the frantic run around where we check pant pockets, dig through bags and occasionally turn up couch cushions. Even though we have always had a designated place to hang keys, they still manage to occasionally wander off.

The solution: Tile Mate

It is a light weight bluetooth tracker that can easily be looped onto a keychain or attached to anything you don’t want to lose.

Here's a quick way to never lose your keys again. Tile Mate and Tile Slim.

How it works

Download the Tile smartphone app and pair it to your Tile. Next time you lose your keys, you can use the app to 1. make the Tile ring when it’s nearby but out of sight or 2. see the last location of your keys (the App remembers the last time and place it saw your Tile). The ring is softer than the “Find my iPhone” chime, but still loud enough to easily find your keys. As a bonus, the Tile can even help you find your phone. Simply double press the button on the Tile to make your phone ring, even when it’s on silent!

Note that the battery lasts about a year and there is no way to replace it. However, the company has a program called “reTile” which lets you trade in your current (with now dead battery) Tile for a new replacement for about $15 (they will send you the newest model).

For wallets there is the Tile Slim. It works the same way as the Tile Mate but is designed to fit in the credit card slot in your wallet (it is as thin as two credit cards).

Here's a quick way to never lose your keys again. Tile Mate and Tile Slim.

Shop the items here: Tile Mate, Tile Slim

