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Tech we Love - A totally unedited look at my Phone usage

2 minute read

A few weeks ago Aaron introduced me to an app called “moment” that tracks your iPhone usage. Admittedly, I was a little nervous to find out exactly how much time I spent on my mobile device. Before Max was born, Aaron and I agreed that we didn’t want to be...

Max at 18 Months

4 minute read

We’ve been saying this a lot lately but the last few months have been the most fun yet. Max has his own sense of humor and loves making Aaron and I laugh with his mischievous smile. He picks up things so quickly, climbs on everything and continues to impress us...

When Parenting Gets Hard - Count the Small Wins

3 minute read

It’s hard to admit that being a new mom is a struggle and that not everyday is sunshine and rainbows. There are some days when it is impossible to put Max down without him launching into hysteria or days when the everyday minutiae (i.e. laundry, grocery shopping, meal prep) sends...

Tech we Love - Alexa

1 minute read

Aaron loves all things home automation and is always coming up with ways to make our smart home even smarter. Most recently, he has been trying out different ways to control things using voice commands. At first, the system required some pretty lengthy commands to do anything and was sufficiently...

Stitch Fix July 2016 Review #10

3 minute read

Sometimes the best clothing items are the ones you didn’t know you “needed”, until your Stitch Fix stylist sent it to you and realized its value. This was a welcome but unexpected Stitch Fix shipment. Here are the contents of my 10th Stitch Fix box.

Toddler Summer Wardrobe Essentials

2 minute read

When selecting Max’s summer clothes I looked for pieces that could be easily mixed and matched. I was careful not to go overboard (I have that tendency!) and limited myself to buying about 5 pairs of shorts, 10-12 t-shirts, 3-4 rompers/overalls, 2-3 pairs of shoes. I probably could have gone...

10 Car Activities for Toddlers

1 minute read

We recently took an 8 hour road trip with Max. To entertain him we brought along a couple books, one toy car and an iPad. If you have traveled a lot with a toddler you are probably laughing at our serious lack of toddler entertainment. Needless to say, we spent...

When picking up your baby leads to wrist surgery

3 minute read

A couple months after Max was born I noticed a slight pain in my left wrist. Simple gestures such as turning a door knob or brushing my hair started to ache. Aaron and I were entering into a tough sleeping phase with Max and were exhausted so I shrugged off...

10 Things I wish I knew when I was 20

4 minute read

The other weekend we went to Aaron’s cousin’s high school graduation and it got me thinking about the things I wish I knew when I was in my 20s. Of course I wouldn’t want to take back anything that happened in the previous decade, but it’s fun reflecting how I...