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Finding Balance

3 minute read

I knew it would be difficult to juggle work and parenting. But I didn’t expect that every day would feel like a rollercoaster of new challenges and that most days I would have an overwhelming feeling that we weren’t quite doing enough for Max. I’m constantly wondering if we’re giving...

Tech in my Life - Apps I Love

3 minute read

When it comes to technology I am not an early adopter, but I’m married to one. Actually, before I met Aaron, technology was barely on my radar and my DVD player was plugged into the front of my TV. I’m pretty sure he was horrified by my TV setup when...

Stitch Fix March 2016 Review #8 and a Giveaway

4 minute read

Richmond has been hot lately, and during unseasonably warm spells, the temptation to break out my summer clothing skyrockets. Part of the reason is that towards the end of any season my wardrobe tends to feel drab and boring. That’s also why I rely on Stitch Fix to inspire my...

St Patrick’s Day Treat Bags for Toddlers

less than 1 minute read

St. Patrick’s Day is later this week, and I wanted to give out a little luck with toddler treat bags for Max’s class. It would have been more thematic to fill the bags with rainbow-colored jelly beans or gold-wrapped chocolates, but I opted for slightly healthier (and slightly less fun)...

Easy and Affordable Retro-Fit Soft Close Cabinets

1 minute read

When Aaron and I were house hunting, our real estate agent (hi Christina!) introduced us to soft close cabinets. They were a feature we had never seen before yet immediately knew we wanted. There was something elegant about closing a cabinet and having it softly shut behind you. The only...

Eat Smart Now - A New Way to Cook at Home

6 minute read

Since Max’s arrival, one of the most dramatic shifts in our daily schedule has been to our meal planning approach. The casual decision over what to eat has given way to whatever is easiest and most efficient. Needless to say, we enjoy a fair bit of take-out. While we’ve tried...

Quantifying Max’s First Year

2 minute read

The first year with Max went by so quickly, and now we have a toddler. He’s growing up so fast that I want to remember all the details, big and small. It’s funny to think that a year ago Aaron had never changed a diaper and I had only changed...

How to get the Best Price on Amazon

1 minute read

There’s nothing quite as satisfying as when you get a good deal on an item. That’s why the Amazon price history tracker, Tracktor, is an awesome (and free!) and geeky tip that you need to know about.