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1 Year Wedding Anniversary

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This Friday is our one year anniversary. I’d always heard how hard the first year of marriage can be and I’ve gotta say - it was pretty fantastic. This year ended up being about setting up our home and starting a family (hi Max!).

Max at 3 Months

2 minute read

Max’s third month has been the best one yet: he’s sleeping for 5–6 hour stretches at night, he smiles in response to things other than (or in addition to) passing gas and a little more of his personality is emerging everyday.

What I’ve Googled Lately

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No one would dispute that Google has changed the way we access information and nowadays I’m constantly looking things up. The other day I opened Google on my phone and some of my recent searches showed up.

Baby’s First Easter Basket

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This week has had its ups and downs. Max was sick for the first time. At one point last night he was so congested and upset that Aaron and I were overwhelmed with how to make him feel better. And just like that, this morning Max woke up as a...

My Favorite Products to Pump at Work

1 minute read

I thought that the first week back at work would be a little overwhelming, especially with Max being in daycare, but surprisingly it’s been nice to get back in my regular routine. It has taken a few days to settle into what Max needs for daycare and what I need...

Max at 2 Months

1 minute read

It’s hard to believe Max is 2 months old today. One of the first things we learned after Max was born is that infants are unpredictable. Aaron and I have always kept a pretty consistent daily routine, but now that we’re caring for a newborn, consistency is a thing of...

Two Month Must Haves

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Last month, I wrote about my first week must-haves for having a new infant. Since that post, I have modified that list as our routine with Max gets more established. Here are the items that help keep Max calm and keep our sanity in check.

Gallery Wall with Empty Picture Frames

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I’ve been feeling pretty tired since we brought Max home from the hospital, but as we figure out his moods and cries I’ve found a new surge of energy these last few days to tackle some home projects. We’ve had all of the necessities in our home for a while,...

Max at 1 Month

1 minute read

After a month of barely leaving the house, Aaron and I are finally starting to adapt to our routine with Max. Some of the best advice we received about the first few weeks with our newborn was to cherish as much as of it as possible and remember that the...

First Week Must-Haves

1 minute read

I know some women love being pregnant, but I wasn’t one of them. My entire pregnancy was basically a countdown until I wasn’t pregnant and I’d feel more like myself. But now with Max in our lives for just over a week, I can’t imagine life without him.