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Stitch fix review #4

2 minute read

My 4th shipment from Stitch Fix just arrived! I was especially excited about this box for two reasons. First, I loved the Margaret M. Emer high waisted cropped pant from my last fix and requested them in a different color but, to my disappointment, they were out of stock. Second,...

Painted Stair Makeover

1 minute read

Pinterest is ideal for anyone who loves visual inspiration. I can almost always find a slew of DIY projects I’m interested in trying after perusing the site for just a short time. But the last few weeks I’ve been tired and feeling uninspired, so I was excited when Aaron showed...

Birchbox Review #1

2 minute read

I wasn’t a tomboy growing up, but I also wasn’t really into make-up. I never experimented until the last few years, at which point I discovered that I love testing out new and unique products. So when Ashley got me a subscription to Birchbox for my birthday, I thought this...

Max at 6 months

3 minute read

Everyone says that becoming a parent changes your life - and they’re right. Leaving the house is like running an obstacle course of mental checklists to make sure we have all of Max’s necessities. We spend twice as long to get somewhere and half as much time once we are...

Stitch Fix Review #3

2 minute read

My third shipment from Stitch Fix just arrived and I’m excited to share the five pieces in my box. Lately, I’ve been uninspired by my current wardrobe and feeling adventurous, so I asked my stylist to send me some fun/colorful pant options and casual shirts.

Turning 32

less than 1 minute read

Probably the hardest part of entering my thirties was that it became the age when people started going through major and scary life changes. Whether it was divorce, aging parents, or money issues, I’ve found that encountering these issues has made me feel more grown up than ever. But a...

Ms. Anne’s Care Fund

less than 1 minute read

UPDATE: The gofundme campaign ended successfully and as of August 2016 Ms. Anne was able to return to work in the infant room at La Petite. Best of luck, Ms. Anne! We heard some sad news today. Ms. Anne, one of our favorite teacher’s at Max’s daycare, found out her...

Digital Baby Book

1 minute read

Nowadays the idea of a photo album with actual printed photos seems so archaic. It is strange to think our parents had to be selective in the pictures they took because they were limited by the number of exposures on a roll of film.

Ashley and Zach’s Chicago Wedding

1 minute read

Last month was Ashley and Zach’s wedding. Ashley is one of the most stylish people I know, and her wedding reflected that. Every detail, from the venue to the lighting, decorations and the gorgeous floral arrangements - was carefully considered, and the overall effect could not have been more beautiful.

Happy Father’s Day

1 minute read

When Aaron and I first found out I was pregnant we were overcome with disbelief, followed by a deep sense of anxiety. Aaron isn’t an anxious person but the idea of raising a child was unchartered territory and we wanted to feel prepared. So over the next few months we...