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Max at 5 Months

3 minute read

This past month has been an exciting but busy one. We drove to Chicago for Ashley and Zach’s wedding and then to Maryland for a family reunion. Max didn’t love being in the car for long periods of time but once we were at each destination he was great. Spending...

Summer To-Do List

less than 1 minute read

Given the record heat we are suppose to have today in Virginia, it feels like the perfect time to post my seasonal to-do list. There have been a lot of changes this year, and even though my life feels very different than last summer, I still like the idea of...

Max’s Birth Story

4 minute read

Max is almost 5 months old and some of the details from his first few days are already starting to get hazy. I wanted to document his birth story before the memories get even more distant.

New Mom Struggle: Breastfeeding

2 minute read

My mom assumes Aaron and I have it all figured out based on Max’s blog. The three of us are doing great but that doesn’t mean there aren’t difficulties, they just don’t show up in carefully curated photos we share with the world. One thing I still have ups and downs...

DIY Fabric Wall Panels

1 minute read

When we moved into our home, one of the most exciting aspects was having a blank canvas to decorate exactly the way we wanted. But at the same time I’ve never had so many walls to fill so it has also been quite overwhelming. Here, we spruced up our entrance...

Max at 4 Months

2 minute read

There have certainly been times in the past 4 months that Aaron and I have been on the brink of exhaustion. Thankfully, those moments are becoming fewer and farther between. Overall, I think we are doing a pretty good job of finding a balance that works for us.

Pantry Organization

less than 1 minute read

This past weekend I finally got around to organizing our pantry! I’m not a particularly organized person so it took a lot of rearranging before I settled on a configuration that made sense. I grouped similar foods into labeled black baskets for a clean, streamlined look. They contain all the...

DIY Roman Shades

less than 1 minute read

When it comes to home decor, I normally gravitate towards more neutral colors, since I feel that provides a simple and classic look. I’m always a little hesitant whenever Aaron suggests adding more color to a room, but lately I’ve been coming around to the idea. Maybe all the hours...

Stitch fix review #2

1 minute read

My latest shipment from Stitch Fix just arrived and I’m so excited to share the five pieces in my box. It has been a while since I could wear most of the items in my closet so this package was extra special.

Arm Wire Jewelry on Etsy

less than 1 minute read

I met Jess my first year in grad school and we instantly became friends. We bonded over science and sweets, and have stayed in touch since. After years of being focused on research and science, she recently reclaimed her artsy side and started making jewelry.