2 minute read

Two week countdown.

I’ve been relatively calm throughout this pregnancy. With it being our second, a lot of the unknowns that you experience with your first are not there with your second. That being said, as soon as October rolled around, I had a sudden surge of anxiety that we have so many things to get done before the baby arrives. Since it helps me (usually) to make a list, here is the status of our October/”Get it done before the baby arrives” list:

When I started writing this post two weeks ago, I think only two things were checked off this list!

Baby Girl

  • Convert the toddler bed back to a crib. Done - thanks Aaron
  • Hem the curtains we bought for the baby room. Done - although one curtain panel is about one quarter inch shorter than the other, but I’m not going to let it get to me (at least for now)
  • Paint the shelves in the baby room to match the curtains. After a few spray painting mishaps - this item is still in progress.
  • Finish removing the robot decals. Close enough.
  • Wash all the new baby clothes, or at least the 0-3 month clothes. We have washed at least a few weeks worth of clothes for the baby, assuming the baby doesn’t take after Aaron and come out wearing 6 month old clothes! (Cheap shot at baby Aaron, but look how good he turned out!)
  • Sterilize bottles. Not done - but since I’m planning on breastfeeding, I won’t need bottles immediately.
  • Dust off changing pad and boppy from the attic. Close
  • Get the infant car seat and swing down from the attic. Not done
  • Pick a name! Not even close, please help!


  • Buy Max a big brother gift from the baby. Right now we are thinking of getting this buzz lightyear action figure. I would love ideas/input/suggestions on what kind of big brother/sister gifts you got when your second one was born. What worked and what didn’t?
  • Get a Halloween costume for Max. We’ve been asking Max for weeks what he wants to be for Halloween, and each time he has said “I don’t know”. Then out of the blue he announced he wants to be a diver. It took us a second to realize he was talking about the diver from Finding Nemo. We explained to Max that the diver takes Nemo away from his daddy and asked if that is still what he wants to be, and sure enough he said “Yes”. So diver it is.


  • Pack my hospital bag - This time I’m delivering at a hospital that is much closer to our house (< 1 mile away) - so packing the perfect hospital bag feels less urgent than it did when I was pregnant with Max. In fact, with Max I’m pretty sure my bag was packed close to a month before his arrival. This is what I packed the first time around. I have a sneaking suspicion that this time my hospital bag won’t be packed in time for me to blog about it.
  • Update estate documents for baby girl. Done

Looking for advice/tips/tricks/words of wisdom for juggling life with more than 1 kid!

