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3 Fun Ways to Gift Wrap

1 minute read

I love wrapping gifts almost as much as I love giving them. Whether you want to thank your child’s teachers, show your friends how much you appreciate them or simply want to show up to a dinner party with a hostess gift, a beautifully wrapped gift is always a thoughtful...

Max at 11 Months

3 minute read

I can’t believe this is the last monthly post before Max turns 1! The most exciting news this month is Max took his first solo steps! It happened on a night when I was working late, which broke my heart, but luckily the moment was caught on Dropcam. Max has...

DIY Ring Cones

1 minute read

Homemade gifts are always a nice touch—they’re personal and usually budget-friendly. With Christmas only 2 weeks away, I decided to follow this simple tutorial and make ring cones for a few of my girlfriends. The best part about this gift, is the endless ways to decorate and customize the design....

A Christmas Story: When young Aaron investigated Santa

1 minute read

Since Max was born I find myself getting a lot more nostalgic about memories from my childhood. And more so than ever, it’s been so much fun having my parents and Aaron’s parents recount stories of what we were like at Max’s age. With Hanukkah and Christmas right around the...

Stitch Fix Review #6

3 minute read

My 6th Stitch Fix box just arrived and it’s the best one yet! Although my style isn’t usually governed by trends, I asked my Stylist to send me a few trendier fall pieces (aka anything plaid!). And she didn’t disappoint.

Stitches & Press Update

less than 1 minute read

Hello, everyone! I’m excited to announce the new version of Stitches & Press.

Painted Fabric Bins

less than 1 minute read

The best DIYs are usually the simplest. Whether it is a fresh coat of paint or an updated design detail, it can make an overlooked item come back to life. Using masking tape and paint, I painted black stripes on fabric bins and I love the way they turned out....

Max at 10 Months

4 minute read

These days it is hard to keep up with Max; he is in perpetual motion. He crawls around at 2 different speeds: leisure, when he is exploring a new space, and turbo, when he spots something he wants and thinks he can get to it before we notice. The turbo...

Max’s First Halloween

less than 1 minute read

I’ve been excited about Max’s first Halloween since I found out I was pregnant. Aaron and I have been brainstorming costume ideas for the last couple months, but ultimately settled on a Lion. Initially, we wanted to dress Max as an Ewok (from Star Wars) and envisioned draping a brown...

DIY Wine Bags

less than 1 minute read

I love the idea of adding a personal touch to any gift. Whether it is a handwritten note or beautiful wrapping, it can make an ordinary gift seem slightly more special. Here is one simple way I like to gift a bottle of wine.