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Max at 9 months

2 minute read

I’m not an overly sentimental person but I find myself spending a lot of time thinking about the last 9 months with Max. It feels like only yesterday that he was just a tiny, chubby bundle who would happily curl up on my chest. These days he’s just too active...

Half Bathroom Update

1 minute read

Probably the best and worst parts of decorating your home is that you’re never really finished. That’s not to say that a room can’t feel complete and polished, but I usually end up having some vision of how something could look better. That being said, Aaron and I been focused...

Stitch Fix Review #5

2 minute read

The mornings are chillier, the days are shorter and my 5th Stitch Fix box just arrived! Now that we are officially into fall, I asked my stylist to send some warm weather pieces. While I typically prefer monochromatic outfits, the zappo printed mixed material top is a refreshing change to...

Costume Ideas for Baby’s First Halloween

less than 1 minute read

/ 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 If you know anything about me, it’s probably that I LOVE chubby babies dressed in animal costumes. And if I could have it my way, I’d dress Max up year round. The...

In Our World

1 minute read

Have you ever wondered what your parents were like when you were born? There are some days I can barely even remember what Aaron and I did before Max, and he is only 8 months old! Inevitably there will be a day when he will look at us and say,...

Max at 8 months

3 minute read

I’m sure this won’t be the last time I say this but I really can’t believe how fast time has gone by and how quickly Max has reached 8 months!

Easy DIY Baby Sensory Blanket

1 minute read

Finding an attractive baby tag blanket is much harder than I though but making one was easy!

Birchbox review #2

1 minute read

My day to day beauty routine is fairly minimal—if I use any make-up at all, it’s a dab of foundation and a bit of eyeliner—but my make-up minimalism doesn’t mean that I don’t like to occasionally indulge my girly side and experiment with new beauty products. And that’s where Birchbox...

Celebrating 10 years cancer free!

3 minute read

I’m celebrating 10 years of being cancer free! Ten years ago I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer. At the time, the question I was asked most often was how I found out. Here is my story.

Max at 7 Months

3 minute read

This past month has been a big one: Max has started crawling, pulling himself up to a sitting position and, occasionally, stands himself up. But with mobility comes new responsibility.