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Here’s a Quick Way to Never Lose Your Keys Again

1 minute read

Aaron and I spend more minutes than I’d like to admit looking for our keys and wallet. I’m sure you know the scenario; morning chaos, we’re halfway out the door, we turn to each other “do you know where my keys are”?

Life Lately Today

4 minute read

Nothing is better than when your friend shares a new product or show they are using/wearing and you find out you love it too. So to start the sharing I corralled a collection of shows, podcasts, apps and products I’m loving right now.

25 signs you know you live with a toddler

2 minute read

If you’ve spent any time around a toddler, I’m sure you would agree it’s a great age but not without its challenges. There are some days when Aaron and I have to try our hardest not to crack up at the things Max says, and we don’t always succeed. As...

Just like Dad

4 minute read

Any parents will agree that there are so many reasons you love your little one that listing them can be redundant. Of course we love Max in all the obvious ways, but it’s the subtle moments that warm our hearts. Today I’m talking about dads.

Year Round Gestures of Love

1 minute read

Valentine’s day always manages to sneak up on me. Maybe it’s because it falls so close to the Holiday season when I’m still detoxing from all the excitement or maybe it’s because I very generously treat myself to candy and chocolate year round.

Max’s 2nd Birthday Party

3 minute read

This past weekend we celebrated Max’s second birthday (check out his 2 year update here) with a few of his friends at Romp ‘n Roll. He jumped in a bouncy house, ate cake, danced to his favorite tunes and had the time of his life.

Max at 2 Years Old

5 minute read

In the past 6 months, Max has become a little human and I can hardly believe he is 2 years old. The biggest change since our last update is his ability to communicate. He is constantly picking up new words and phrases and will copy anything we say (both good...

Stitch Fix January 2017 Review #13

2 minute read

It always amazes me how quickly the holiday season comes and goes. This one in particular because it was the first year that Max was able to participate in the excitement. Despite being sick for most of it, he had a fantastic time in Chicago opening presents, celebrating his birthday...

Our 2016 mini infographic

less than 1 minute read

Happy New Year! After seeing this mini infographic over at Habitual Homebody I was inspired to create my own.

A little bit of pocket change - my 2016 blogging summary

1 minute read

I started this blog as a way to document my various DIY projects, but it has grown into my little piece of the internet that I love. Initially when Aaron suggested I start a blog as a creative outlet, I brushed off the idea. I thought “who is going to...