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16 new and wonderfully weird things you will do as a parent

1 minute read

Aaron’s sister had her baby a few weeks ago (hi Brody!), and as we’ve been cooing over how sweet he is, it has also reminded me how much Max has grown up. Looking at Brody’s tiny fingers and toes-it’s almost impossible to believe Max was that tiny once.

Modern Map Art

1 minute read

When it comes to decorating our home I favor a clean aesthetic: white walls, minimal furniture and neutral colors. Maybe it’s because I’ve never been someone who can expertly arrange a gallery wall, or seamlessly match bold patterns (e.g., Mondo, Project Runway) in a way that feels both eclectic and...

Big News!

3 minute read

If you missed this post, we have exciting news arriving later this year!

Weekend in the Life - Memorial Day

9 minute read

A while age I shared a glimpse into a day in our lives so today I thought it would be fun to do a weekend edition. Our weekends have changed a lot since Max was born. Whereas they used to be fairly low-key (i.e. Netflix marathons, DIY projects), they’re now...

Loving the Quip Toothbrush

1 minute read

Okay dentist friends or anyone in the oral hygiene profession, please weigh in. Aaron and I recently switched to the quip toothbrush and we are loving it. Honestly, the reason we made the switch has less to do with improving brushing habits and more to do with the sleek wireless...

Rockets of Awesome: The Coolest Kids Clothes - Handpicked and Delivered

2 minute read

I love shopping for Max’s clothes, but at the rate he is growing I feel like I’m constantly trying to keep up with the seasons. That’s why Rockets of Awesome is a subscription service for kids clothing that every parent should know about. Before you stop reading because you think...

3rd Wedding Anniversary

less than 1 minute read

I can’t believe it’s been a year since Aaron and I forgot our second wedding anniversary.

Simple DIY Gift in a Box Ideas

2 minute read

Throughout the year there are countless gift giving opportunities. The problem is I’m rarely as prepared as I’d like to be so having a quick last minute gift idea on hand is key. The trick is not making it feel like a last minute idea.

#MomFails of the Week

2 minute read

Last week kicked our butts and we got a tiny glimpse of how hard single parenting is. For starters Aaron and I both got knocked down by pretty serious colds plus there was a major grant submission at work that meant working on the weekend and a few late nights....