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Conversations with a 2 year old

4 minute read

The biggest change this past year has been Max’s ability to communicate. It’s weird to think that a year ago he only knew a few words and could only communicate in one or two word sentences. Some days I can’t believe how grown up he is, then I’ll see certain...

Zoe at 2 Months

3 minute read

This biggest change this past month is that I went back to work. The transition has been challenging as we figure out how to efficiently manage our morning and night time routines.

Zoe at 1 Month

3 minute read

So here’s the thing about having two kids: it’s hard. Aaron and I basically laughed then cried the first night home with Zoe when she started crying at 2 am followed 5 minutes later by Max waking up and crying. Needless to say we were all sleep deprived that first...

The Not-So-Easy Transition from Crib to Big Boy Bed

5 minute read

I hoped Max would be one of those kids who would sleep in his crib for as long as possible. He was sleeping great and seemed so safe in there. I wanted him to take after his dad, since Aaron’s dad jokingly said he tried so hard to get baby...

Two week countdown …

2 minute read

I’ve been relatively calm throughout this pregnancy. With it being our second, a lot of the unknowns that you experience with your first are not there with your second. That being said, as soon as October rolled around, I had a sudden surge of anxiety that we have so many...

Pregnancy - 34 Week Update

3 minute read

When I found out I was pregnant back in Spring, the idea of a November due date felt years away. I was okay with that because it meant I had loads of time to prepare and get used to the idea that our lives would be changing drastically. But now...

My kid-free and husband-free weekend

5 minute read

One of the biggest changes that occurs when you become a parent is losing your alone time. Of course you still have moments here and there, but it’s not the same. Recently I got an unexpected week to myself when my trip to Chicago was cut short because I didn’t...

Starting a new job at 27 weeks pregnant

5 minute read

Interviewing for a new job while pregnant isn’t what I would call an ideal scenario. Depending on how far along you are questions arise such as “will they notice my bump during my interview”, or “when do I tell my new boss?”. I don’t have the answer to any of...

Pregnancy - 27 Week Update

3 minute read

Everyone was right when they said things move faster in your second pregnancy. But that’s not the only difference, I’ve also been stressing over a completely different set of worries. The first time around, my knowledge of pregnancy was severely limited. I knew some of the details, but for the...

Tech in my Life - Apps I Love

3 minute read

A while ago I posted about my favorite apps, but like all things tech that list has quickly become outdated. Here is an updated list of apps that have made my everyday life a little easier.