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Happy 6 year anniversary

less than 1 minute read

In some ways this anniversary looks different from the last five, mainly because we have been holed up with our kids for the last 6 weeks. In it we’ve spent a lot of time trying not to take credit for Zoe’s personality. And importantly I’ve learned that when tested, we...

Max at 5

4 minute read

At 5 Max is independent, smart, sensitive, funny, cautious, and a joy to be around (most days).

2019 year in review

1 minute read

2019 has been a year full of changes. We sold our house and bought a new one, moved to Tennessee, started a new job (Aaron), and enrolled the kids in a new school. But the things I’ll remember the most were the smaller moments: Zoe’s weird obsession with drawing “big...

Any snorers out there?

3 minute read

I snore. And not the delicate, princess kind of snore you see in Disney movies. The kind that makes you take a step back and wonder where that horrible sound is coming from.

Zoe at 2 years

2 minute read

At 2, Zoe is full of personality, silly, and equipped with more than a little sass. To set the record straight, she is no longer the little monster I wrote about in her previous posts. In fact, she borders on absolutely adorable at times and now we are only moderately...

What I’ve Googled Lately

1 minute read

Max was 2 when he asked “what’s wind?”, and I was totally caught off guard. Luckily, my carefully selected response of “it’s just wind”, was enough. Since then his curiosity has exploded, and so has my ability to secretly google. I’m fairly educated, so naturally I thought I had until...

A Quick Dining Room Update

1 minute read

After finally dealing with our leaking roof, broken AC unit, and maggots in our trash can (yes, so gross!), we finally had time to tackle some fun home updates.

Things my 4 year old says

2 minute read

These are my favorite posts to look back on, but they are also the biggest reminders at how fast he is growing up. I’m trying not to tear up at every milestone, but it can be so hard. I cried when he started in the “Tiger” class at school (Pre-K,...

Fun and cheap way to display kid’s art work

1 minute read

There are so many inspiring ways on Instagram and Pinterest to display your kid’s artwork. One of my favorites is hanging an eclectic array of empty picture frames. But even if you hit up every garage sale and goodwill store it can still take time to find frames in the...

$10 home update: Reviving discolored light plates

1 minute read

If you read this post then you know our roof leaked the first night in our new house and our AC died the second week. Needless to say our money is going towards necessary (but boring) home repairs rather than fun updates. But we didn’t let that stop us from...