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We bought a house! And on our first night water poured through the ceiling!

1 minute read

Holy smokes, we bought a house! And on our first night water poured through the ceiling. I wish that was a joke, but according to our realtor (who was fantastic!) and inspector (also great!) it was an unprecedented storm combined with bad timing. We aren’t laughing. So instead of spending...

The chaos of getting kids out the door in the morning

4 minute read

Anyone with little kids knows how hard it is to get them out the door in the morning. On days when you think, “I’m actually on time”, one child inevitably squeezes toothpaste all over their clothes, has stuck their hand in ketchup and smeared it on their face, or has...

Zoe at 18 months

3 minute read

So much has happened since Zoe’s 12 month post - she’s walking, climbing and flew on her first flight. She loves peek-a-boo. Her favorite time to play is when her hands are covered in food/paint/sand/dirt. She fully commits to the game, covering her face and ensuring a bath. I love...

5 year anniversary

less than 1 minute read

I can’t believe it has been 5 years since we told our friends we were taking a week off work and came back married! In those years we have laughed, argued, laughed some more and survived an interstate move. If anything is going to test a marriage it is moving...

Status of our move to Tennessee

1 minute read

When I first posted about our move we were at peak stress, but since then a lot of things have come together. Our house is sold (thanks Christina!), we found a rental in Tennessee and movers are scheduled to pack up our house. The kid’s last day at Primrose is...

Things my 3/4 year old says

2 minute read

It’s impossible to write down all the crazy things a 3/4 year old says, although it’s not always cute and endearing. The other morning, Max threw a tantrum because his toast was too cold (giant eye roll). Four year olds are what I imagine super rich people to be like....

Zoe’s first 10 words

less than 1 minute read

It was only 3 years ago when we were cheering and clapping for Max’s first words. Now we are at that stage with Zoe and we are flooded with memories of how special this age is. For all the temper tantrums and screaming spills (thanks Zoe), this age is filled...

Max at 4

3 minute read

There are days when I still feel like a new mom while other days interacting with Max is like talking with a friend (a friend who asks a lot of questions, always wants a snack and occasionally screams for no reason). Max is an exceptional kid, but don’t get me...

Goodbye Virginia, we will miss you!

1 minute read

We are moving to Memphis! We’ve been sitting on this news for a while, partly because neither of us were ready to acknowledge the overwhelming task of packing up our lives, and partly because … well … Memphis? Just kidding, but seriously send your positive Memphis thoughts, because our current...