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Zoe at 10 months

2 minute read

No one makes Zoe smile and giggle the way Max does, and with Zoe that’s not an easy thing to do. It warms my heart every time he tells me how much he loves his baby sister. Obviously every day isn’t that ideal, at least once a day Max comes...

Zoe’s Birth Story

2 minute read

Life moves so much faster with two kids so I wanted to document Zoe’s birth story before the memory gets too hazy. On Saturday October 28, 9 days before my due date, I woke up with slight cramping in my stomach. I would have ignored it except that 3 days...

Zoe at 9 months

3 minute read

I know how cliche this sounds, but I can’t believe how fast Zoe is growing up. She is full of personality, incredibly loud and babbles like a drunken sailor.

11 Ways life is different when you work from home

4 minute read

I recently started working from home full time. While the temptation to stay in pjs is strong, I’ve managed to get dressed and showered everyday. For the record, I didn’t think I’d be bragging about personal hygiene in my thirties. Overall being at home has been great, I’m more productive...

Zoe at 8 months

3 minute read

Zoe is crawling and we are shocked! She looks like a beached whale flailing her legs aimlessly in the air. It’s unclear where her forward momentum comes from, but she somehow manages to drag herself from one spot to another. This also means she has started reaching for Max’s toys,...

Separation of Immigrant Children: Here’s How to Call your Representatives

1 minute read

No matter your political affiliation, separating families is inhumane and unacceptable. There is no law that requires families to be torn apart, it’s a Trump Administration policy. If you are looking for ways to help, here is an easy and non-intimidating way to call your representatives. Call your Representatives Calling...

Zoe at 7 months

3 minute read

Max has stepped up his big brother game. One of the sweetest moments this month was when Max carried his favorite book and chair to Zoe’s room and sat down to read her a bedtime story. He started off by shushing the audience then read in a whisper. For pages...

Deliciously Addictive Popcorn to Make at Home

2 minute read

Popcorn is the quintessential movie-going foods and one of my all time favorite snacks. It satisfies the sweet, salty and anything in between craving. I’ve never made it on the stove but decided to give it a try after I was sent a bottle of Malaysian Palm Oil to review....

How to create your own Alexa skills with Alexa Blueprints

1 minute read

Amazon has made it easy to create your own Alexa Skills with Alexa Blueprint and it is incredibly fun! No coding needed. If you read this blog it is no secret that we love Alexa and she is deeply integrated into our daily lives (see this post for how we use Alexa in...