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Zoe at 6 months

4 minute read

Zoe is 6 months old and just shy of delightful! While she still cries, it is a whole lot less than it used to be. We even managed to take her on a road trip to New Jersey to visit Aaron’s extended family! If you noticed the major upgrade in...

4th Wedding Anniversary

less than 1 minute read

It’s been 4 years since Aaron and I got married. In that time we bought a house, got new jobs, had two kids and otherwise stayed exactly the same (I wish!). Even though life isn’t always a picnic, I’m reminded on a daily basis that Aaron is my favorite person...

10 Apologies to our second child

1 minute read

It’s hard being the second child. Not only does Zoe live with her (well-intentioned) attacker (Max), but her stuff is a little dingier, excitement is a little lower and she has been in public with a onsie that says “Daddy’’s little dude.”

Tech we Love - Rachio

1 minute read

The upside of being married to a tech geek is pretty obvious: lots and lots of gadgets.

When my Mirena IUD perforated my uterus

3 minute read

I’ll start this post by saying I love the mirena IUD. After getting pregnant with Max while on the pill, the IUD was a welcome alternative. I loved not thinking about birth control and I loved not getting a period even more.

Zoe at 5 Months

2 minute read

Zoe is living her best life when she is simultaneously being bounced and walked. It’s not a pretty combination of actions, but when your baby requires both motions to stop crying you do it.

5 Ways we use Alexa in our Home

2 minute read

Aaron is always looking for new technology to make our home even “smarter.” When we got our first Amazon Echo, I wasn’t sure how often I would use the voice-activated speaker, but now, I’m not sure how I lived without it. (Here’s how we incorporate Alexa into our morning routine.)...

Zoe at 4 Months

2 minute read

This past month has been a busy one, Aaron was in San Diego for a week, Max had his 3rd birthday party and Zoe had her first road trip, which coincidently was also her last road trip (she screamed the entire time).

Zoe at 3 Months

2 minute read

Zoe cries a lot. She is only happy when she is either being walked around in the baby bjorn carrier, propped up on her feet or held in an incredibly specific position that is near impossible to maintain. I’m literally writing this post as I’m walking her around in the...

Max at 3 Years Old

5 minute read

I can barely believe our little boy is three years old! He is cautious, sweet, bright, silly and observant. (And occasionally a little monster.) Here’s a snapshot of Max at 3.