pregnancy posts

Pregnancy - 34 Week Update

3 minute read

When I found out I was pregnant back in Spring, the idea of a November due date felt years away. I was okay with that because it meant I had loads of time to prepare and get used to the idea that our lives would be changing drastically. But now...

Starting a new job at 27 weeks pregnant

5 minute read

Interviewing for a new job while pregnant isn’t what I would call an ideal scenario. Depending on how far along you are questions arise such as “will they notice my bump during my interview”, or “when do I tell my new boss?”. I don’t have the answer to any of...

Pregnancy - 27 Week Update

3 minute read

Everyone was right when they said things move faster in your second pregnancy. But that’s not the only difference, I’ve also been stressing over a completely different set of worries. The first time around, my knowledge of pregnancy was severely limited. I knew some of the details, but for the...

Big News!

3 minute read

If you missed this post, we have exciting news arriving later this year!

Gifts your pregnant friend will appreciate

3 minute read

A very close friend of mind recently found out she is pregnant and I could not be more thrilled. For the first time I found myself feeling nostalgic about my pregnancy (which I never thought I would be!), and actually went back and re-read all my pregnancy posts. It got...

Pregnancy - 39 Week Update

1 minute read

Until recently, I was so focused on all of the changes to my body associated with pregnancy that I’ve barely thought about the labor/birth and the subsequent parenting responsibilities. For the most part, the most intimidating part of having a baby has been the actual pregnancy, although I have been...

Easy make-ahead crock pot freezer meals

less than 1 minute read

We don’t usually do a lot of meal preparation, but with our first kid on the way we specifically looked for easy to freeze meals to get us through the first few weeks after birth.

What’s in my Hospital Bag

1 minute read

Part of me felt like I was packing for a weekend getaway rather than a trip to the hospital. But, after getting a lot of helpful tips and suggestions from friends about what is absolutely necessary and what could be left at home, this is what we ended with.

Pregnancy - 37 Week Update

less than 1 minute read

I’m full term! Aaron got me a beautiful diaper bag for Christmas and I’m so excited to start packing it in preparation for our baby boy!

Pregnancy - 36 Week Update

1 minute read

I’m happy to report that I’m 9 months in and we are finally in the home stretch. I’m trying to stay calm and not freak out but truthfully, I could have used a glass of wine this week.

Baby Shower

less than 1 minute read

I met Melissa in grad school and we immediately became friends. We bonded over baked goods and science and have been close ever since. When she told me she wanted to throw me a baby shower, I was incredibly touched. The occasion was perfect and every little detail, from the...

Pregnancy - 34 Week Update

1 minute read

I recently entered the phase during pregnancy where the occasional stranger wants to share in your pregnancy excitement by touching your belly or sharing an unprompted recollection of their 9 months experience. As a fairly private person, this has been a strange and somewhat uncomfortable transition, but I’m learning to...

Pregnancy - 32 Week Update

1 minute read

Now that we are fully immersed in flu season, my main concern has been to stay healthy and avoid sick people. Aaron and I got our flu vaccines a few weeks ago and I got my Tdap booster last week.

Pregnancy - 30 Week Update

2 minute read

As soon as I hit the 3rd trimester mark, I was overcome with a sense of urgency for the baby planning that we still needed to do; baby classes, registry, nursery. Registering for baby classes was straightforward because our baseline knowledge was essentially zero, so we signed up for 1....

Pregnancy - 27 Week Update

2 minute read

Up until now I have felt more awkward than pregnant. My boobs got huge, which is difficult to get used to, and my stomach looks like I’ve just had a meal of pizza and beer, not like I’m carrying a child.

Pregnancy - 24 Week Update

1 minute read

I’m 24 weeks pregnant and just received our first baby onesie from Aaron’s sister! Over the last few weeks, as I’ve begun sharing my pregnancy news with others, I’ve learned that women love to talk to other women about being pregnant.

What a Difference 31 Years Makes

less than 1 minute read

I’m constantly amazed by the ability of technology to show us exactly what we didn’t know we wanted. Most recently, I was shocked when my parents shared a blurred, barely discernible ultrasound image they had taken when my mom was 5 months pregnant with me.

Pregnancy - 20 Week Update

1 minute read

I’m 20 weeks pregnant and very happy to be at the half way mark. My first trimester was rough, not in the traditional sense of morning sickness and exhaustion, but more in feeling completely unprepared for the life changing event that was only a few short months away.